Description of Services:

Central Sterilization Solutions, referred to as “CSS”, is a California LLC providing educational and consulting services in the field of sterile processing. CSS provides multiple course or class options with varying features and services dependent on course level. An example of some available features: are books, materials, and access to online videos and/or in-person learning. This helps customers facilitate their passing their certification exam (CRCST). 

Depending on course/class level CSS provides students assistance in the following areas:

-Online, Live Stream, or Online Courses/classes.

-Physical CRCST Textbooks

-Access to our Education Specialist to help clarify and review concepts taught.

-Preparation by an Education Specialist for the National Exam (CRCST).

-Editing resumes after students have submitted their documents in Word Format.

-Preparation on interviewing skills.

-Access to affiliate hospitals for hands-on experience and/or preparation for applying directly to hospitals for employment. Should students utilize affiliation with hospitals, they are covered under the school’s liability policy.

Services provided may or may not be utilized by students and are determined by the choices made by the student at the time of enrollment. Whether all services are utilized, does not allow for proration of costs related to tuition.  Past students are not eligible for proration of tuition just because CSS has modified its program(s) and as such are held to the terms of enrollment at the time of enrollment.

Our tuition price does not include the national exam cost. The cost of the national exam is $140 and will go directly to HSPA when a student applies for the CRCST exam.

Students do have the ability to switch between course versions. Any price differences (discount codes used), must be paid before switching. Please note: To receive access to the final exam, resume building, interview prep, and hands-on training, students must be displaying sufficient and up-to-date payments or paid in full.

Students will need access to an internet-capable device, such as a computer, tablet, or mobile phone with video camera and microphone capabilities, to access the online platform. It is the responsibility of the student to acquire these items and to submit receipts to any third-party vendor for reimbursement.

Career Support: 

Career support is designed to be a helpful course feature providing students with advice and resources to build, edit, or update existing resumes, learn common interview skills, and practice these skills with a dedicated team member. Career support does not provide a guarantee for employment opportunities. CSS is not responsible or cannot be held responsible for employment or non-employment outcomes. Utilization of Career Support recommendations is considered volunteer of the customer and is not mandated. Features within Career Support may be required or sufficient competence of common job application requirements may be necessary for customers to complete/exhibit/obtain before other course options like Externship Assistance. 

Internship Assistance: 

They are not guaranteed to all students, due to multiple factors such as location availability, requirements, and distance. While enrolled in a course that includes Internship Assistance, students will receive assistance with local healthcare facilities to complete hands-on internship hours or will be advised to find a location independently. After completing Education, Career Support, or other requirements students then conduct hands-on training in a local hospital or will need to secure a location independently. Central Sterilization Solutions has multiple partnering healthcare locations throughout California, which are utilized to help customers complete their required CRCST 400 hours. These locations are not guaranteed, as each facility has varying rotation availability, requirements, or differing limitations. 

For students ready to proceed or utilize Internship Assistance the closest In-Network location to the customer/student is contacted to confirm availability and requirements. CSS will communicate via the facility’s preferred method to confirm all requirements and relay this information to the customer/student to begin the onboarding process. Each location has varying requirements which must be met before on-site training (internship). If locations are unavailable to accommodate a student/customer for any reason and a secondary in-network location is not readily accessible, the customer/student will have to locate an externship location independently. 

The willingness of the student to accept in-network healthcare facility requirements is not the responsibility of CSS. CSS complies with the healthcare facilities’ requirements and clearly outlines these responsibilities/requirements to the customer/student upon internship assistance request and the onboarding process. CSS cannot be held responsible for the unsuccessful placement of the customer/student, in such circumstances where the willingness to accept facility requirements is not met or accepted by the customer/student. Customers/students are required to acknowledge the terms and conditions specific to Internship Assistance before onboarding.

Customers/students will be responsible for paying/acquiring any additional requirements that healthcare facilities such as, but not limited to:

  • Drug Test
  • Background Check
  • Immunization Records 
  • BLS/CPR Certification
  • Blood Borne Pathogen Training


-Upon initial enrollment, all customers have 3 business days to return the purchased course and course materials. A .30? + 2.9% fee of the total payment amount will be withheld to cover transaction fees.

-Books must be returned upon refund request in good condition to pass on to another student. If not, $150 will be withheld to cover the cost of said books.

-Business day is defined as being between Monday to Saturday.

The end of business day is 6:00 pm PST.

-Textbooks and workbooks cannot be sold separately, but only as a pair.

-When purchasing the sterile processing course textbook and workbook only, there will not be a refund available.

-Should a student utilize the refund policy and choose to re-enroll at a later date, the refund policy will not apply and will not be available to the student.

-Should a student be enrolled into a CSS-associated Installment Plan/Financing Plan (Monthly payment plan, IGW, or SweetPay), and either miss/pause/default payment(s), the Student will not have access to course material and included features (ie. prep exam, resume building, interview prep, Internship Assistance (hands-on training), and Career Support). If a student wishes to re-enroll/continue with education, the student will need to pay off the remaining balance owed.

-Students who have properly notified the CSS of a pause and are returning at a later date are subject to a $50 process fee \ on top of any additional costs. Students who have not properly informed CSS of a pause and are returning will be treated as new students. (“proper notice” is informing CSS in writing of a pause request).

-Terms and Conditions are subject to change at any time. Any changes will apply to all past, current, and future enrollees.

Monthly Installment Plans:

All customer(s)/student(s) must pay the full tuition cost, which has been broken up into monthly installments (may vary). Failure to make routine monthly payments or pay the total agreed tuition cost will impact customer(s)/student(s) access to course material, interrupt progression, and limited support.

Successful monthly payments are required to receive full course benefits.

All customer(s)/student(s) who do not make successful payments after 3 months will be removed from course/class access, the online student portal, and will not receive further assistance from CSS. Failure from customer(s)/student(s) to report to CSS regarding payment or course status will result in the customer(s)/student(s) being dropped. If a customer(s)/student(s) requests to return after 6 months, the customer(s)/student(s) will be treated as a new customer and will have to re-enroll. All previous payments or status will not be factored into the re-enrollment.


Shipping Methods: USPS

Expected Delivery Timeframe: Between 3 to 5 days, depending on the time of year.

Shipping Prices: $25 includes insurance for materials.

Shipping Restrictions: We are bound by the restrictions of the US Postal Service.

International Shipping: Timeframes and shipping costs are extended.

Please inquire directly with CSS before making a purchase.

Taxes: Not Applicable currently

Lost Packages: 855-234-6770

Force Majeure:

CSS shall be excused from any delay or failure in performance required hereunder if caused because of any occurrence or contingency beyond its reasonable control, including, but not limited to, acts of God, acts of war, fire, insurrection, strikes, lock-outs or other serious labor disputes, riots, earthquakes, floods, explosions or other acts of nature.

Limitation of Liability:

The Client acknowledges and agrees that CSS will not be liable for any losses or damages, whether indirect, incidental, special, or consequential, in profits, goods, or services, irrespective of whether or not the Client has been advised or otherwise might have anticipated the possibility of such loss or damage.

No Guarantee:

The client acknowledges and agrees that CSS cannot guarantee the results or effectiveness of any of the services rendered or to be rendered. Rather, services shall be executed professionally and by good industry practice. Best efforts will be made, but no results are promised. In the network, partnered healthcare facilities for conducting hands-on training are not guaranteed, and student access is subject to staff decisions at any/all healthcare facilities. It is the enrollee’s responsibility to perform all due diligence in researching the program before making a decision. As a potential enrollee, we are notifying you that there are other alternatives in preparing for the professional certification. We leave it to you to do the research. The school is not responsible for any failure on your part and as such, this is not an adequate excuse for asking for a refund.

Be advised of the following:

“HSPA has no employment or independent contractor relationship with any person who otherwise qualifies for designation as an approved instructor for any HSPA course. As such, HSPA has no involvement in, direction over, or responsibility for: the business affairs of any instructor: any program or course sponsored or conducted by any instructor; or any promotional materials published in connection with any such program or course. Other than monitoring that the requirements established for achieving designation as an approved instructor are met and maintained, HSPA disclaims any responsibility, legal or otherwise, for any matter, claim, or dispute involving, arising from, or relating to any instructor activities including without limitation: the substance or content of any program or course conducted by any approved instructor; how any such program or course is conducted; or the financial terms of or arrangements underlying the conducting of any such program or course.”

Referral Program:

We are very proud that the school, since its beginning in 2011, could offer past students a referral fee for promoting the school and our curriculum to new potential students. This has been our primary way of continuing our business each year. We are pleased to announce that we will continue rewarding students for speaking so highly about us and our program.

As we proceed, we must look from time to time at our reward program to keep up with the times. Because of this, we have decided to make things clear and post our referral policy online for all to see.

CSS Past Student Referral Program – 8/2020

We offer to all past students a referral of $50 for each qualifying referral.

A qualified referral is defined as a student who has completed making all tuition payments.

Certain rules apply to receive the fee.

-When talking to potential students that you wish to refer to the school, be sure that you gather their full information for your records. Be sure the person you have referred knows your full name and contact information. We will ask the new students how they heard about our program to understand the relationship.

-The referred student or the past student making the referral must notify the school before or on the date of enrollment. Once a student has enrolled and if the school was not notified that the new student is a referral, then the referral fee is waived.

-Referred students must have paid full tuition for the referral fee to be issued. If a new student is making payments, once all payments have been made, the fee will be issued. Partial payments for a referral are not an option.

-A past student may wish to donate their referral fee to the student who was referred. Said referral fee is applied at the end of the payments unless the new student is paying in full upfront.

-Should a past student submit numerous and ongoing referrals, said past student must supply a W-9 to the school for tax purposes.

-For the school to require a W-9, the person receiving fees must have received $500 or more during any tax-issuing year.

-This referral policy is subject to change at any time. The school will abide by the policy that is currently posted on the school’s website.

-If there is a dispute between individuals claiming to have spoken to a potential student first, the school will investigate all parties involved. If it cannot be determined who started the referral process, no referral will be issued.

-All final decisions on any dispute will be at the discretion of the Program Director.

-By participating in the referral program, you automatically agree to the terms posted on the school’s website.

CSS Non-Student Referral Program – 8/2020

At times, we do get referrals from individuals who have not been a student of the school or who are in the process of enrolling and bringing in an additional student with them.

Additional rules that do apply to non-students and new students enrolling in a program.

-The rules & policy as stated in the “CSS CRCST Past Student Referral Program – 8/2020” are in effect.

-The referral fee is $50

All other referrals to programs we offer (not sterile processing) will have to be discussed with the Program Director. Please call our office for more details.