Please fill out the form below to submit your New Student Referral. An admissions staff member will review your submission to make sure your referral qualifies for the $50 promo.
We are very proud that the school, since its beginning in 2011, could offer past students a referral fee for promoting the school and our curriculum to new potential students. This has been our primary way of continuing our business each year. It gives us great pleasure to announce that we will continue rewarding students for speaking so highly about us and our program.
As we proceed, we must look from time to time at our reward program to keep up with the times. Because of this, we have decided to make things clear and post our referral policy online for all to see.
CSS Sterile Processing Past Student Referral Program – 8/2020
- We offer to all past students a referral of $50 for each qualifying referral.
- A qualified referral is defined as a student who has completed making all tuition payments.
- Must be a student.
- No outstanding payments.
Certain rules apply to receive the fee.
- When talking to potential students that you wish to refer to the school, be sure that you gather their full information for your records. Be sure the person you have referred knows your full name and contact information. We will ask the new students how they heard about our program to understand the relationship.
- The referred student or the past student making the referral must notify the school before or on the date of enrollment. Once a student has enrolled and if the school was not notified that the new student is a referral, then the referral fee is waived. We must clarify this policy because we have had calls several months after a class has ended asking where the referral fee is.
- Referred students must have paid full tuition for the referral fee to be issued. If a new student is making payments, once all payments have been made, the fee will be issued. Partial payments for a referral are not an option.
- A past student may wish to donate their referral fee to the student who was referred. Said referral fee is applied at the end of the payments unless the new student is paying in full upfront.
- Should a past student submit numerous and ongoing referrals, said past student must supply a W-9 to the school for tax purposes.
- For the school to require a W-9, the person receiving fees must have received $500 or more during any tax-issuing year.
- This referral policy is subject to change at any time. The school will abide by the policy that is currently posted on the school’s website.
- If there is a dispute between individuals claiming to have spoken to a potential student first, the school will investigate all parties involved. If it cannot be determined who started the referral process, no referral will be issued.
- All final decisions on any dispute will be at the discretion of the Program Director.
- By participating in the referral program, you automatically agree to the terms posted on the school’s website.
CSS Sterile Processing Non-Student Referral Program – 8/2020
At times, we do get referrals from individuals who have not been a student of the school or who are in the process of enrolling and bringing in an additional student with them.
Additional rules that do apply to non-students and new students enrolling in a program.
- The rules & policy as stated in the “CSS Sterile Processing Past Student Referral Program – 8/2020” are in effect.
- The referral fee is $50
All other referrals to programs we offer (not CRCST) will have to be discussed with the Program Director. Please call our office for more details.