Student Conduct and Termination Policy

I. Purpose

This policy outlines the standards of conduct expected of all students at Central Sterilization Solutions and establishes the procedures for student termination due to violations of these standards. This policy aims to maintain a positive and productive learning environment for all students and faculty.

II. Standards of Conduct

Students are expected to adhere to the following standards of conduct:

  • Participation: Active and engaged participation in classes, discussions, and assigned activities is expected. Consistent lack of participation may negatively impact a student’s standing.
  • Attendance: Regular and punctual attendance is required. Excessive absences, as defined by individual course policies or program requirements, may lead to consequences, up to and including termination.
  • Professionalism: Students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner towards faculty, staff, fellow students, and guests of the institution. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • Respectful communication, both verbal and written.
    • Appropriate attire and personal presentation.
    • Adherence to academic integrity standards (e.g., no plagiarism, cheating, or unauthorized collaboration).
    • Respect for institutional property and resources.
    • Avoid disruption during or outside class lectures.
  • Communication: Effective and timely communication is essential. Students are responsible for checking institutional communication channels (e.g., email, learning management system) regularly and responding promptly to inquiries from faculty and staff.
  • Compliance with Policies: Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with and adhering to all institutional policies, including but not limited to academic policies, student conduct policies, and technology use policies.
  • Payments: Any missed payment without proper communication or an established and agreed-upon plan. 

III. Termination Procedures

The following procedures may be followed in cases where termination is being considered:

  1. Warning: In most cases, students will receive a written warning outlining the specific violation(s) and the potential consequences, including termination. The warning will provide an opportunity for the student to address the issue and demonstrate improvement. If issues are deemed severe or have affected multiple areas of class, communication, online systems, etc. an expedited termination may be accommodated. 
  2. Meeting: A meeting may be scheduled with the student, relevant faculty members, and a designated administrator to discuss the violation(s) and the student’s response. The student may be accompanied by an advisor or advocate.
  3. Review: The designated administrator will review all relevant information, including the student’s record, the warning issued, and the information presented at the meeting.
  4. Decision: The designated administrator will make a decision regarding termination. The decision will be communicated to the student in writing, along with information about the appeals process, if applicable.

These procedures may or may not be followed, but termination can be exercised by CSS at any time.

IV. Reinstatement

Policies regarding reinstatement after termination, if any, will be determined by the institution and communicated to the student.

V. Other Considerations

  • This policy applies to all students, regardless of program or enrollment status.
  • The institution reserves the right to terminate a student’s enrollment for egregious violations of conduct, even without prior warning.
  • This policy is subject to change at the discretion of the institution.

VI. Disclaimer

This policy is intended to provide general guidance regarding student conduct and termination. It is not exhaustive, and the institution reserves the right to address any conduct not specifically mentioned in this policy.